Product Description
Phoscrete FORMULA 1-HC
Phoscrete Formula 1-HC™ (F1-HC) is a two‐part cementitious MPC (Magnesium-Phosphate-Cement) concrete repair material composed of magnesium oxide, aluminosilicates, aggregates, and reinforcing fibers (Dry Mix), a liquid phosphate activator (Liquid Activator).
Phoscrete Formula 1-HC is very rapid hardening, and gains strength suitable to vehicular traffic in less than one hour at a wide range of ambient temperatures. F1-HC forms both a chemical and a mechanical bond to cured concrete and to itself.
Phoscrete F1-HC Dry Mix Safety Data Sheet
Phoscrete F1-HC Activator Safety Data Sheet
Phoscrete F1-HC Technical Data Guide
Phoscrete F1-HC Pre-Installation Checklist
Phoscrete Formula 1 (MALP Series) Installation Guide
Phoscrete Formula 1 (MALP Series) Mixing Instructions for Material Labs