Product Description
Phoscrete FORMULA 3-VO
Phoscrete Formula 3-VO™ (F3-VO) is a two-part cementitious MPC (Magnesium-Phosphate-Cement) concrete repair mortar composed of magnesium oxide, potassium phosphate, aluminosilicates, PVA powder, and aggregates (Dry Mix) that must be mixed with water, plus a VO Admixture composed of liquid soy-methyl-ester polystyrene (PHOSCRETE ENDURE™) plus MALP (monoaluminium liquid phosphate).
Phoscrete Formula 3-VO is rapid hardening, with high-early rapid strength gain. It mixes to a putty consistency, is easy to apply by hand or trowel, and can be feather-finished. Phoscrete F3-VO allows fast completion of concrete repairs.
Phoscrete F3-VO Dry Mix Safety Data Sheet
Phoscrete F3-VO Activator Safety Data Sheet
Phoscrete F3-VO Technical Data Guide
Phoscrete F3-VO Pre-Installation Checklist
Phoscrete Formula 3 (MKP Series) Installation Guide
Phoscrete Formula 3 (MKP Series) Mixing Instructions for Material Labs