bridge maintenance

The Future is Now: Introducing Phoscrete MPC Concrete

Concrete repair and maintenance is essential for keeping bridges, roads, and other structures strong and safe. So when something comes along that makes it easier and more efficient, it’s worth checking out. Enter Phoscrete’s family of Magnesium Phosphate Cement (MPC) concretes—the latest innovation in concrete repair technology. Let’s take a closer look at what this new development means for bridge maintenance professionals.


What Is It?

Phoscrete MPC concretes are a type of cementitious material that replaces Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) with Magnesium Phosphate Cement (MPC) to create a product that is both strong and durable. MPC mixes fast to a paste-like consistency, with formulas that can be applied on horizontal, vertical and overhead concrete structures. Phoscrete MPC concretes bond strong to sound concrete surfaces without need for sandblasting or primers.


The Time-Saving Advantages of Phoscrete MPC Concretes

The biggest benefit of using Phoscrete MPC concretes is the time saved during repairs. Unlike traditional concrete repair materials, which can take several hours after placement before you can open lanes to traffic, this new technology can be traffic-ready in less than one hour! This means you can complete more repairs in a single shift and shorten lane closures. This translates into big savings for you, and fewer traffic jams! Additionally, Phoscrete MPC concretes bond strong to sound concrete surfaces without need for sandblasting or primers, making it even faster to install than traditional repair methods.

Phoscrete even has a MPC formula that set fast in sub-freezing temperatures, extending the season for concrete repairs!


The Performance Advantages of Phoscrete MPC Concretes

Other benefits of using Phoscrete MPC concretes are its superior durability  and ease of use compared with traditional concrete repair materials. Phoscrete MPC concretes stop rust on contact and prevent future corrosion. This material has been tested under extreme conditions such as freezing and thawing and chloride attack from deicing salts. —and it has held up remarkably well! In fact, studies have shown that this material lasts more than three times longer than traditional concrete repair materials! That means fewer repairs down the line—saving you money in the long run!

Phoscrete MPC concretes mix up in about a minute and pour out of the bucket without scraping. Tools and boots clean up easy with water.



Innovation in bridge maintenance technologies continues to move forward at lightning speed—and Phoscrete MPC concretes are proof of that progress! With its superior performance and durability compared to traditional methods, as well as its accelerated installation times, this new technology could revolutionize how we approach bridge maintenance tasks. If you’re looking for a reliable way to keep your bridges safe and sound without breaking the bank on costly repairs, then consider giving Phoscrete MPC concretes a try today! You won’t regret it!