Self-Perform Shotcrete Repairs with Phoscrete MPC and ShotPump
Save Time and Money on Larger Vertical and Overhead Concrete Repairs
Welcome to a new era of concrete repair with Phoscrete’s ShotPump. This innovative equipment is designed to make your repair projects faster, easier, and more efficient, whether you’re repairing large volumes of concrete on horizontal surfaces or tackling vertical and overhead structures.
Key Benefits
- Dual Action Machine: The ShotPump sprays Phoscrete Formula 3-VO (F3-VO) and pumps Phoscrete Formula 3-HC (F3-HC), providing versatile solutions for various job requirements. The ShotPump utilizes the same reliable Phoscrete MPC materials you use for everyday repairs: F3-HC for horizontal/castable pavement repairs and F3-VO for vertical/overhead structures.
- Efficient Mixing: The hopper holds [3] 50-lb. kits and works seamlessly with a pan mixer for continuous mixing and feeding, as well as bucket mixing for smaller jobs.
- Extended Reach: Connect up to 50 feet of material line to access hard-to-reach spots on your job sites.
Self-Performance: Your crew can now self-perform shotcrete repairs on vertical and overhead structures without the need to hire specialized contractors and their expensive equipment.
Ease of Use
The ShotPump, combined with the high performance of Phoscrete MPC structural concrete, ensures a strong bond even on overhead structures. Easily repair more extensive concrete damage that goes beyond the capabilities of hand-packing. The dual-action feature of the ShotPump allows for both spraying and pumping, offering unmatched flexibility.
Compact and portable, the ShotPump fits in the back of a pickup truck, making it easy to transport to and from job sites.
Rental Program
Try before you buy with our rent-to-own program. Rent the ShotPump for a week, and if you love it (which we’re confident you will), you can apply the rental fee toward the purchase price.
Efficiency and Savings
The ShotPump saves time and labor, making it a practical tool for both large and small repair jobs. You can stop and restart the machine during mixing without any issues.
Easy Cleanup
The ShotPump, with its unique peristaltic design, prevents material from contacting moving parts, making water cleanup easy.
Our installation support specialist will visit your shop for hands-on training. Comprehensive documentation and video tutorials are available on our website. Our dedicated support team is ready to assist via email, chat, phone, or video call to ensure you get the most out of your investment.
Watch videos of the ShotPump in action and see the difference for yourself!
Learn More About the Phoscrete ShotPump
To discuss your specific needs and learn if the ShotPump is the right fit for your concrete repair project, contact a Phoscrete sales engineer via the live chat on our website or by submitting the form below. You can also call us at (561) 420-0595 or send an email to info@phoscrete.com