Phoscrete ENDURE

Phoscrete Endure™ is a concrete durability enhancer that extends the service life of concrete structures 5x to 9x compared to untreated concrete.

When applied to concrete, Endure is absorbed into the concrete’s pores to block fluid penetration from the inside.

It fills pores & creates a flexible, continual self-sealing, hydrophobic barrier that is both preventative & curative.




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Product Description

Phoscrete ENDURE

Phoscrete Endure™ is a non-film-forming penetrating concrete protector. Powered by PoreShield™. Endure is a Soy Methyl-Ester Polystyrene (SME-PS) liquid produced and sold under license from the Indiana Soybean Alliance (ISA). When applied to concrete, Endure is absorbed into the concrete’s pores to block fluid penetration from the inside.

Phoscrete Endure™ is a USDA-Certified BioPreferred, BioBased product that is safe, easy to use and extends the service life of concrete 5x to 9x compared to untreated concrete. It fills pores & creates a flexible, continual self-sealing, hydrophobic barrier that is both preventative & curative.

Now available in five [5] gallon pails for use as an admixture for Phoscrete concretes. Using two scoops (provided), one pail covers a full pallet of Phoscrete HC. Additional scoop sizes are provided for other Phoscrete concrete products and packaging. It is also sold in 55 gallon drums and 275 gallon totes for spray applications on concrete structures.

  • Endure Admix works with all Phoscrete concrete products: HC, HF, VO, and SG and does not change working time, compressive strength, bond strength, or flexural strength.
  • Endure is non-toxic, non-flammable, and environmentally safe. No PPE is required for ENDURE.
  • By penetrating into the concrete pore structure, Endure prevents moisture absorption and chloride ion transfer. Freeze thaw durability and salt scaling resistance are dramatically improved.
  • Endure inhibits staining and corrosion.
  • Endure protects concrete for ten [10] years

Order your Phoscrete ENDURE today!

  • Large quantity discounts are available
  • We help with tax-exempt businesses
  • Quick shipping and excellent customer service




• New or old concrete
• Horizontal or vertical structures
• Above or below grade
• Exterior/interior
• High density or low-density concrete
• Precast or prestressed concrete
• Mortar/blocks/pavers

ENDURE Safety Data Sheet
ENDURE Technical Data Guide


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